Frequently Asked Questions

General Community

Most browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari) are supported by our community platform. However, Internet Explorer is not a supported browser.

If you look in the upper right-hand corner of this site you will find a blue “Log In” button. Once you click on that button you can use your MyATD login and password to access the site using single-sign-on.

Remember to use your MyATD credentials to log-in to the ATD Community. If you have forgotten your password, please click on "Forgot Password" on the log-in page and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Make sure you use your MyATD username and password when you are brought to the log-in page. You can try clearing your cache and cookies if you are not brought to the MyATD page when trying to log in. If you are still having problems, please reach out to our Customer Care Team for assistance.

Group Notifications
We have already connected you with groups that align with your ATD involvement. To ensure you stay informed and engaged, you can customize how often you receive emails from these groups. Please visit Profile > My Account > Group Notifications to choose your preferred notification settings. Here are your options:

  • No Email: Unsubscribe from all emails from the group.
  • Daily Digest: Receive a summary of discussion posts from the entire day in that group.
  • Weekly Digest: Receive a summary of discussion posts from the entire week in that group.
  • Daily Consolidated Digest: Get all shared files, discussion posts, events, and announcements for the day in one consolidated email.
  • Weekly Consolidated Digest: Get all shared files, discussion posts, events, and announcements for the week in one consolidated email.

Community Email Settings
In addition to group notifications, other messages are routinely sent to community members. These messages will always be sent to your profile inbox and by default are also emailed to your preferred email address. Select “no” to opt out of receiving certain emails per your preferences. You will always receive these messages in your profile inbox regardless of these settings. Please visit Profile > My Account > Email Preferences to choose your preferred email settings.

Having trouble receiving emails? Find helpful information on allowlisting here

We do not have a dedicated mobile app at this time. However, you can easily access and navigate the site using your mobile browser.

My Profile

You can manage your profile by navigating to your profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen and clicking on "Profile". Under your profile icon, you will see two options: change picture or remove picture. From there you can choose how you'd like to update your profile picture.

You can manage your profile by navigating to your profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen and clicking on "Profile". In this space you can update your profile picture and add your bio, education, job history, certifications, professional associations, honors and awards, interests, and knowledge areas.

You can find your ribbons and badges in different sections of your profile. Ribbons are displayed just below your profile picture. To view your badges, head over to the 'My Contributions' tab and look under the 'Achievements' section.

Your profile may be accessed through the member directory and community rosters. You have control over the information others see on your profile. The ATD Community has default privacy settings, but we recommend reviewing your settings and adjusting them to your personal comfort level. View Here

You can choose from the following options:

  • Public – Everyone
  • Members Only – Any ATD community member
  • Contacts – Anyone you have sent and confirmed “contact connections.”
  • Only Me – You are hiding this information from other ATD community users.

Community Engagement

To add a contact in the community, start by navigating to the "Connect" tab in the main navigation bar. From there, select "Community Directory," where you can search for specific members or browse through the "People You May Know" section at the bottom of the page. Once you find someone you’d like to connect with, simply click the "Add Contact" button next to their name.

You can add a contact by using the 'Connect' tab in the main navigation bar. From there, click on 'My Connections' to manage your existing contacts or add new ones. This will allow you to connect with other members in the community.

To post a discussion or question, navigate to the group where you’d like to share your thoughts. Once you're in the group, you can click on "Post" located next to the recent discussion posts. Alternatively, you can use the "Create" button on the upper right side of the page. If you choose this option, be sure to select the group you want to post in. Note: Cross-posting is not supported by our community platform.

If you encounter inappropriate content or behavior, you can utilize the "Mark as Inappropriate" button, which is located under the down arrow next to "Reply" on the post. This will flag the post for our moderation team to review.

Yes, you can edit and delete your discussion posts. There is an arrow next to the "Reply" button. If you click the arrow you will see a drop-down menu, where you can choose to "Edit" or "Remove."

To follow or subscribe to a discussion post, navigate to the post you'd like to follow and click on the star icon that says "Follow". Once clicked, it will change to "Following".

If you enjoy a post, be sure to Like it and share your appreciation with other community members by clicking on "Like" – just like you would on social media!

There are two ways to post a resource in the community's resource library:

  1. Each group has its own resource library. Any attachment added to a discussion post will automatically be added to the resource library of the group where the post is made.
  2. You can also directly upload resources by navigating to the Library tab within a group and clicking on Create Entry to add your resource manually.

Still need help? 

Check out our general ATD Frequently Asked Questions or post your question in the community!